Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Here is a copy of the script as it stands for the story of my film.

Act One

Fade in:

Sky. Daytime, lotus petals floating through the air. Pan down to house in the middle of lotus field.

Faint battle sounds emanate from within.

Push in and fade to close up of wind chimes above the door frame which seemingly rattle in time with the increased sounds of combat.

Cut to inside the house. A master and student are sparring.
The student makes a fatal mistake and the master capitalizes on it and knocks his arms up and goes for a blow to the students’ mid-drift and with an almighty palm strike he knocks him to the ground.

Cut to master standing over him.
Master Rasta: “ Unuh too slow youngblood. You defence need some serious work. Gwan pon a journey and when you ready come back an we go again”.

Cut master kneeling down.
Cut to close up of hands as they touch fists in respect. Fade to next scene.

Act Two

Close shot of student walking away from dojo.

Fade to wide shot of student walking up steep forest path.

Fade to close shot of student approaching lake through trees.

Fade to centred shot of student sitting down to meditate.

Push in as soon react to noise he can hear coming from close by.

Cut to him turning to look behind himself at some bushes.

Cut to close up of him opening the bushes.

Cut a wide shot a viper is bullying a turtle hiding in its shell. It rears up and when the turtle pokes its head out the viper strikes but misses as the turtle quickly withdraws.

Cut to close up of vipers tail whipping the top of the turtles shell and bouncing off.

Cut to as the tail moves near the fromt hole of the shell the turtle quickly exposes its head and bites it.

Quick cut to the vipers painful reaction

Cut to P.O.V shot from inside the turtles shell as the vipers eye moves to look inside.

Cut to the turtle quickly thrusts its head out and headbutts the viper.

Cut to wide shot as the viper rears up.

Cut close as its coils ensnare the shell.

Cut wide as we see the viper constricting the shell.

Cut to vipers sinful expression. Right before POW !!! he is kicked in the face by our onlooker.

Cut to him bend down to pick up the shell from the unconscious vipers coils.

Cut to his hands lfting it off the ground.

Fade to him placing the turtle in water and it opens its eyes.

Cut close as the turtle makes a happy expression.

Cut to a quick shot as student reaches to pet him.

Cut close as upon touching the turtles head its eyes glow and a magical, ethereal energy transfers from it and up the students arm.

Cut to his face and quickly push in on his eyes as the energy consmes him. Close as symbols form in his eyes.

Flash to an ethereal vision.

Fade back to his expression.

Student: “ Yah Man mi undastand wah mi ah fi do “

Cut to short training montage

Wide of him standing in place blocking a swinging log

Cut to him doing press ups with a heavy tree resting on his back.

Cut to him releasing some bent back tree branches and blocking them all at once. Then he takes a kung fu stance.

Fade to next scene

Act Three

A foot steps before the Master Rasta’s house.

Cut to close shot of the master as student opens the doors behind him

Student: “ Mi ready master come we go “

Cut to wide shot as the master attacks

Cut to he attacks and it seems like a magical barrier appears as the student blocks all his blows.

Cut to master kicks high but student falls on his back like a turtle and trips him.

Cut to student standing an falling back and barrier again falls as he covers camera.

Cut to a big impact as he crushes his master beneath him with a freeze frame of a turtle on its back in the background symbolic of his new style.

Cut to clearing dust an dissipating turtle image.

Cut to clearing dust of student looking down at master waving off in submission.

Master Rasta: Ok man mi surrendah. Tell me youngblood who teach you all a dat “

Cut to student turning round and revealing the new turtle symbol on his back.

Cut to close up of the master as his jaw drops to the ground in shock.

Cut to the student turning down and walking away

Student: “ mi must leave you now master mi have more fi learn elsewhere “

In same frame after student is of camera master follows waving.

“ wait hol on, uno must be mad , tell me di truth”



              THE END

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